Angela Miles shares her story of Jagger, her mare who loves the crossing the country. She wasn't always so dependable though!
Lady Jae (stable name Jagger) is a 16.1hh, and will be a venerable 17 years old in June. Her mum was a Trakehner x Oldenburg and her dad an Irish Draught.

I've had Jagger for 13 years and first saw her as a two-year-old. She was tied to the naughty wall then!
Despite the warnings not to touch her as she was wild, I couldn't resist... I'd fallen in love.
She was then turned away for a year and half. When she was brought back in, I didn't recognise her at first... she was so fat and her mane touched her knees!
I sat on her the day after she was backed. The next day I took her for a hack. Since then, we have never looked back.
Day-to-day, I know her as My Jags, or Fatty(!). She loves to paw, asking for a mint, or kicking the door for her dinner. She also loves getting a scratch, and makes great faces or scratches you back.
Our favourite pastimes are hacking in the woods, doing sponsored rides and cross country.
I value the trust Jagger holds in me. The fact I can load her on the lorry and go anywhere by myself, just me and my girl, is something I'm really grateful for.
We've always been keen on the activities that need stamina. When it comes to fitness, I'm lucky that Jagger keeps herself fit by marching everywhere! Whether it's in the field, or walking down the road. Mainly though, fitness comes from regularly riding out on your horse.