Welcome to our Classifieds forum. This area of the site is for anyone wanting to advertise items or services for the benefits of our site members or visitors.
It's really easy to post an advert here, and there are two ways to do it:
1. Post an ad yourself
Log in as a site member (don't worry, this doesn't have any costs attached) at the top right of the page:

In the "Classifieds" page, create a new ad by selecting the "Start a Discussion" button:

Create your post. You can add photos by clicking the small camera icon:

2. Don't want to log in? You can email us your advert. Please make sure you include the following:
A title for your advert
Details of what you're selling/what you're looking for
Any photos
A contact email or number
Enjoy using our classifieds!
For sale loads of ribbons and rosette bits